​Home of the original "JOHNNY"

      Our pirate and his new crew are basking on an island paradise, enjoy the people who have settled there. Because our pirate didn’t come in flying the ordinary black flag, bearing the skull and crossbones that these people have become so accustomed to seeing and having to defend themselves against they welcomed him and his men. The locals are thriving on the island from being in the center of the trade routes that are slowly establishing themselves throughout theses seemingly calm waters. As the party is feeding on some very fresh seafood the discussion turns to The MERMAID and how the first mate and mutinous crew had betrayed its own captain. The local people were appalled by this turn of events even thought they were discussing murders, liars, and thieves they still shared the stories that they had heard of how right after they had left the little island, they found solace from pillaging a small settlement off the coast of what was now being called a new world. They told stories of what was known throughout this settlement as the PORTHOLE PUB (an establishment that catered to the worst of the worst, the craziest of the crazy, and the meanest one of all who just happened to own the joint and was rumored to be none other than the ex-captain of the MERMAID.) Shortly after hearing this story the SPIRIT set sail for the PORTHOLE PUB so the Captain could see with his own eyes just how bad it turned out. When the SPIRIT came into the bay where the pub was, the sun had already started to set for the day and was filling the sky with an array of wondrous colors. The captain stared in amazement of just what a beautiful view there was surrounding them. As they approached the cannons sounded from the walls protecting the pub. Once on shore the captain and his crew realized they would have to hunt the mutinous scallywags on the MERMAID to stop them from stealing all of his lost treasures. As the sun set and the sky changed colors yet again he heard the words life is still good from behind him.

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