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        This morning started out rough. Everything that could go wrong was. The stress level was out of control with bill problems, money problems, health problems, roof problems etc. etc. and so on. My daughter and I were sitting in my office having a conversation about to many problems with huge a lack of solutions, as she was sitting there staring out the window, she smiled and said " what a pretty day outside, I'll bet you would rather just be fishing", as she laughed, she got up and walked out of the room. I smiled, sat back in my chair and did just that (I wasn’t walking well at that point in life because of the blood clots).This is the piece that came out of that conversation, most of the days problems got solved, some of them didn't but I felt a whole lot better because I had gone fishing (even if I had to draw the trip with my pencils and paper) Yep life is good.